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Life is Just a Moment

Updated: May 4, 2021

There are some experiences in life that hit you like a freight train. They’re so big, so magnificent, so impactful that you can hardly help but to feel humbled and awed by them. Starting a new job. The birth of your child. Falling in love. These experiences leave you wide-eyed and breathless, if only for a few moments.

Then there are the smaller moments…The way the sun shines through the clouds and bounces off the trees. The sounds of friends and family chatting in the living room and kitchen. The coolness of a breeze as it whispers across your skin. The intoxicating rhythm of your favorite song. Bubbles in a warm bath.

While they’re easily looked over and often forgotten, every one of these moments has the potential to stop you in your tracks and leave you filled with awe, joy and wonder. The trick lies within your attention.

The big experiences of life command your full attention, and that’s what makes them great. That’s what makes them meaningful. However, your everyday-to-day activities and experiences can be filled with meaning simply by giving them your attention.

You can consciously create a meaningful moment for yourself and others by intentionally bringing the full weight of your awareness to it. Activate your senses. Choose to be present, and suddenly you’ll find that the smallest of moments holds the magnitude of the entire universe…and you get to enjoy every bit of it.

And you don’t have to just wait for one to come along. That’s one of the beauties of being human…you can create them! And it doesn’t have to cost much, if anything at all.

This happiness isn’t dependent on having the right job, finding the right partner, buying the right car, or finally retiring from “the grind.” It’s here for you, now, quietly calling to you from the soft edges of your awareness.

All you have to do is listen, and the least becomes the greatest.

I pray that today’s blog post was encouraging. I’ll be back soon so we can chat again. Let’s continue to be empowered together.


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